Friday, August 10, 2012

#66 - Preparing for guests day 2 - Aug 7, 2012

Today’s plan was to go to work, and then organize the kitchen. Mission decidedly not accomplished. We were able to agree on a set of criteria: take everything out and arrange like things together. Then decide on the things we MUST have and find a place for them. Then see what space we have left, and evaluate what to do with it.

We accomplished step 1, discussed step 2, and then we sat down to watch TV. We needed to decompress. I finished a presentation for work for our monthly meeting, sitting on the couch next to Katrina. I was beaten. I needed to sleep. So I did, and Katrina got the kids to bed.

Will we be ready for guests on Thursday? They’ll have a place to sleep, some nice places to sit and hang out, a comfortable craft room, and kids to be with. It’ll be good. The house will not be nearly perfect, and in the end, a little less organized than I was hoping. But still respectable for being just over a week since our movers left.

And – wonderful day! – Katrina went through the entire garage boxes, and found Legos!!!!! The kids are ecstatic. The Lego room has so far been a huge hit. I love being able to head down there, build a little something and chat with the kids. It’s the best. Don’t have to round them up or chase them down, just have a seat on the carpet and chat.

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