Saturday, August 4, 2012

#50 - Sunday! We're baaaack! - July 22, 2012

I missed daily entries for about 2 weeks. Entry #44 to #55 is out of order, but they will all be posted on the same day. So if you are confused, check the date and that’s probably why.

Sunday. I had gotten a call from the bishopric earlier in the week. They were ready to give Aria and me callings. We needed to leave early. So I got everybody up early, and we found we were not ready. Aria had her dress, but Libby’s dress was gone. So she wore pants. And the boys wore something, as boys can do.

Katrina had forgotten that we had to leave early, but I had all the kids ready. This was our first Sunday back after being away for a few weeks, and Katrina had something to do for Relief Society as well. When it came time to leave, I mentioned that we needed to go. She said, “At 8:30, right?” No, Aria and I had to be there early. So I packed up all the kids in the van and we left. Katrina would drive Gortja in later.

I met with the bishopric member, and accepted my 3 callings. And Aria got hers as well. He told us we’d be sustained today. Then the phone rang, and Katrina told me that her key to Gortja was in the back of the van. So I’d have to go and pick her up. Aria and I were not mentioned in the meeting. It turns out the news had not gotten to the bishop in time, so we’ll be sustained next week. After the Sacrament, I went and picked Katrina up.

We stayed for choir practice afterward, and then went home to put some of our patio furniture together and relax.

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