Friday, June 29, 2012

#25 - Signatures! - June 26, 2012

Today we officially breached the gap that has eluded us for 4 months.  We saw a signed contract.

I got back from work about 2am again, slept for a few hours, worked on packing the hotel.  I took Aria to girls' camp, went back to the hotel, and loaded up Gortja with everything that was ready to go (which went pretty well, actually).  On my way back in to the hotel on one trip, I got a call from my attorney, asking if we would be willing to split the cost of the new oil tank.  I asked Katrina, called her back and we had then met the last condition.  The negotiation was finally done.  About 4pm, the contract came to my inbox, and I forwarded it to our lender.

We had an actual, fully executed contract.  The kind we could use to get the kids in their new schools.  Work was pretty normal - I tried to stay awake and mostly succeeded.  And once work was over, I went to my new place to get settled.

Which is something  I missed when writing yesterday. I saw a month-to-month apartment yesterday morning for a reasonable price, about a mile from the office.  It was a really cool place.  Much more than I wanted to pay, but it was huge and nice.  And the landlady is a sweet Irish woman named Mary.  But at lunch someone from my team at work offered me a room at his place.  It's a small room, but it's in a house, and I wouldn't be alone.  And it would be cheaper, and no contracts or anything.  It was not too hard of a decision.  I went to stay with my colleague.

So after work I went home.  Katrina and the kids had arrived safely in Queens.  I was exhausted and went to sleep.  I slept well.  Lots accomplished, and lots of luck.

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