Friday, February 17, 2012

#43 - A Presidential Library

Thursday, February 16

Today I am thankful for sleep.  I got enough last night for the first time since coming here, and I was genuinely awake all day today.  It is nice to be awake at work.  A luxury I have not really been able to enjoy for a while. And I know that tomorrow I'll be tired.  That's just the nature of it.

I am not quite a net contributor at work yet.  I'm getting closer, though.  It takes me twice as long as a "native" to accomplish things that are systems-based.  But other things are coming along faster.

I think I mentioned that FDR's home is near here.  I spent about 30 minutes there on Saturday.  It's a lovely place - a large building that's kindof useless, the home he lived in, a library/museum in a building built for that purpose, and hiking trails to several other pieces of what was once a 100-are estate.  The hay bales, I think, are left there on purpose.  I suppose they show the property as a working farm, although, if you leave your hay out to rot all winter, it's probably not very useful.  But that's just my opinion.

The best part about FDR's presidential library (and I didn't actually go in it, I just visited the site) is not the $14 admission price to tour the home of a dead but formerly very rich president of the United States.  No, indeed.  It is that, across the street, the Hyde Park Drive-In is still operational.  Yes, come April, the drive in movie theater will start to show movies.  It even says so on the sign.  And it is literally across the street.  Awesomeness abounds.

Here are some pics.  Google it if you're interested.  It appears to be a nice place to picnic and things, so it's likely we'll spend some family time here when it warms up.

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