Wednesday, February 1, 2012

365 #27 - the beginning of the end

Tuesday, January 31

Today I am thankful that the end of my yard work is nigh.  4 more days, and then no matter what, I am done.  I really hope to be finished with the things I have planned.

My parents came over today.  We all went to Aria's school first to see a movie they had made based on "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".  Then it was time to work.

Dad and I put up the fence for 2 entire sections.  It has transformed the yard from a "large lot" to a "huge, private back yard".  It's very very private.  Also went by to see Bob, and his wife insisted on the flat side of the fence being on their side. But we need it on our side.  So we quoted twice the price and both sides will have pickets.  He's paying for all materials.  Things done or made progress today:
-Longest section of fence is complete
-Shortest section of fence is 90% complete
-got agreement to replace the last section of fence
-moved 2x4s and pickets to back
-pulled blackberry vines out by the roots
-cleaned remaining garbage from back
-re-organized the kitchen for staging (K and mom)
-sorted through kids' clothes for staging (K and mom)

Lots of stuff done.  Lots left to do.

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