Today I am thankful for yet another awesome boss.
I enjoyed working for my boss at Nikon. He was awesome. Certainly one of the 2 or 3 best there. Today I learned with conviction that my boss here is awesome, too. Possibly awesomer.
It was an early day - I was at the IBM plant at 6:20. My co-manager met me at the door, showed me how to get dressed in IBM's version of the bunny suit, and we went to passdown. My guys were there. My boss and co-manager decided that it would make sense to split the field engineers basically into front half and back half. I will get the front half, the guys who work Sun-Tue and every other Wednesday. At passdown, the night shift is finished, and they tell the day shift what happened. Day shift asks questions, and then the night shift goes home and the day shift starts to get work done. Along the way, I got a fab tour, and saw the machines I'm responsible for for the first time. I thought back to my time in other factories. That's what those machines were doing!
We went from meeting to meeting, finished about 9:30. 9:30-noon was spent in accomplishing what I could on my new hire training. Still had a lot of access and connection problems. I had a training class noon-1, and then took a lunch break and talked with my brother. After lunch, my boss had time and energy to get me set up. I had 6 different issues, each requiring tweaks, phone calls, and solutions. By 3pm they were all fixed. She is awesome.
I stepped out of the office, and saw real clouds for the first time here. The sun was gone behind the hills, and gave them just a bit of color. And I realized that I have already started taking the natural environment here for granted. My commute from the hotel to work is all of 8 minutes. The first half mile is ugly. And then I'm on a country road with some other cars, doing 45 through the forest, with a farm home every once in a while. There are hills everywhere - no flat farmland here. And the hills do not have condos on them. They have trees.
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