Sunday, March 18, 2012

#74 - Recovery from lack of a hangover

Sunday, March 18

Today I am thankful for a great realtor.

I got to sleep at 3:30am, and woke up at 7.  I was not expecting to stay awake through church, much less make it through choir.  But I did.  I like church more and more here each week.  Choir is much the same as home - not a terribly large amount of choral discipline, people come together and sing because they like it, and the end product is usually acceptable.  It's much smaller (and thus makes critical mass less often) because of the smaller pool of people we draw from.

Then I got home, caught up on a couple blog entries, and set the microwave timer for a nap. It didn't ever go off or I didn't hear it, because I woke up 3 hours later than I was supposed to.  And when I checked my inbox, there was a counteroffer from the bank on our house!

I called Katrina and we talked about it for a while, and then she had to get dinner ready for the kids.  Probably too late to get a response back from the realtor tonight, but probably tomorrow morning.  Frankly, if the bank sticks to its current offer, we'll buy the house.  Their counter is nearly full price.  It really just depends on the inspection, which I hope to have done this week.  I want this house to go pending very very quickly.

I was supposed to work on taxes today, but the nap precludes that.  I need to go back to sleep for early arising tomorrow.   The pic today is from underneath Grand Central.  The mass transit system here is the complete opposite of Portland's Tri-Met.  It is cheap, goes everywhere, there is always a train coming soon, the stations are dirty, and everyone rides it.

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