Sunday, March 18, 2012

#72 - The day after

Friday, March 16

Today I am thankful that work is in good shape for the weekend, so I'll be able to sleep in.

I did not sleep well last night, and we had to wake up at 4am to get Katrina to the airport so I could be at work on time.  Everything worked out perfectly - we left a few minutes early for the airport, and instead of me missing the first half an hour of work, I got there right on time.  Everything was in good shape, so I was able to spend the day taking care of odd things that needed doing, which was nice.

At the end of the day, I was able to sit down with my boss and talk for over an hour about my team.  And I finally found out the internal process behind my hiring.  It was a good story, one that is not appropriate to share here.  But it is very clear that this move was supposed to happen for us.  3 things happened at the right time, and my first conversation with my boss over the phone happened possibly hours before the job would have gone to someone else.

In the evening, I finalized plans with my bro and sis to head into Manhattan for St Patty's day.  And then, about 9, I fell asleep.

Pics today are from a few weeks ago.  They are relevant because we're going to be in the market for teenager bedroom furniture very soon.  This place is pretty large, and probably has several good bedroom sets all the time that would work for our kids.  Quality on these is good, and though the price is higher than I'd like, isn't that always the case?  The key advantage over Craigslist is selection all in one place.  The clear disadvantage is price.  I also got some pics of miscellaneous furniture we'll probably like to get.

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