Tuesday, June 11, 2013

#176 - Songwriting in Anarchy - June 11, 2013

Cool thing from the last 24: Tim stopped by in the evening.  We had just started Family Home Evening, and he need a little help to finish off his car.  So Katrina took over running FHE, and I helped Tim.  I asked Tim if he had plans for the evening, he said he was going to call dad.  It just so happened that we were going to record a blues song (with Libby on electric guitar) for dad.  He thought that might be fun.  We finished the car as Katrina was finishing the lesson, and then it was time for activity.

So the 8 of us (Tim, us, and Aria's friend) sat in the living room writing a song.  Aria was typed it up as we went, using the TV as our monitor, and Tim led the musical part.  After about an hour, we had a 1:45 song with 3 verses and a bridge recorded and in the can.  Tim left to get some dinner, and I edited the recording just a little and emailed it out to family.

Lots of fun - funny and heartfelt and warm and good.  Perfect evening.  I love these times.  I really do.

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