Friday, June 7, 2013

#172 - Wow. My wife is back! - June 7, 2013

Cool thing from the last 24: Katrina sat on the couch with me and watched a basketball game.  It's very different watching the game in the same room with her, but her watching a different screen vs watching it on the couch together.  It has broken a wall of silence.  And the Heat lost by 4 after leading almost all game.

On the same topic, she spent the afternoon working with our neighbor to fix up the little patch of ground by our mailbox.  It's been full of weeds and gravel, but the weeds are gone, the anti-weed fabric is down, the tiger lilies are transplanted, and it's ready for barkdust.  It looks great.

I'm really excited to have her back.

I learned something in my workout this morning, as well: it's probably a good idea to separate my long runs from weight training.  Yesterday I did some weights, ran, and then did some weights.  My run was very difficult, and I gave up at just over a mile.  By contrast, this morning I did only a run.  My legs were a little sore, but I was able to get through it and keep a solid pace.  It ended up at 2.25 miles, 6mph, and I could have gone longer if I didn't need to get the kids to school.  I walked off the treadmill and dove into the pool for 10 minutes, and it was FANTASTIC.  Never done that before, and it was perfect.

So I think weight training days will be running fast days (7 mph, .5 mile is where I'll start), and my long distance running days will lack weights for now.  Interesting to split the two, and I'm curious what it will do to my training regimen.

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