Tuesday, June 11, 2013

#175 - A cliche Sunday - June 10, 2013

Cool thing from the last 24: We did the church thing, and when we came home, Tim was there, working on his car.  He had to finish his car stereo after a few weeks of the job being half-done.  I got the grill fired up and BBQd some chicken while helping him as needed.  Eventually, the chicken was done, so I took it off the grill and hopped in the pool with Tim and the kids.  It was not a warm evening, and the water wasn't wonderful, so we were out soon enough.  Katrina nuked some potatoes and boiled some corn, and that was dinner.  Then we sat down to eat and relax.

Tim gave the girls their guitar lessons while I went to bed.  It was a nice day.

Exercise milestone: 2.5 miles. 6mph straight.  Probably should have gone a little longer.

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