Monday, November 3, 2008

The Election Tomorrow: Tired Yet?

I expect a strong Obama victory.  By that, I mean that 1 state will not determine the outcome of the presidential election, as it has for most of my voting life.  

Otherwise, strong pickups in both the House and Senate look very promising.  

Despite my constant attention to the race, and how exciting it has been, I'm tired.  I'm excited now for it all to be over.  How is the media coverage going to change?  What will the new issues be?  Are we really going to have a clear exit strategy from Iraq?  What kind of tax plan will the congress pass?  Will the Dems be able to bring enough Reps over to regularly defeat filibusters?  Will we actually see a change in health care? 

For me, the largest question is this: will the overheated, over-partisan rhetoric calm down in an Obama administration?  Will Reps be able to stop calling Dems traitors, socialists, and un-American?  Will Dems be able to stop looking backward and pointing fingers?

That's it for now - more tomorrow.

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