Thursday, September 20, 2012

#108 - Back on the writing horse - September 19, 2012

So I know I’m behind by about a month.  I’m back on the daily writing routine, and I’ll provide backfill days as I go.  I hope to be caught up in a few weeks here, we’ll see how fast I can actually do it.   So once again, if things seem out of order, they probably are.

Today was a fun one at work.  I have arrived at a place where I can drive interesting and different changes.  The change to our safety habits was one.  Today I sat down with my comanager and boss and we discussed changes to the data we report to our customer on a monthly basis.  The data has had its useful day, but there are other opportunities for improvement that are not highlighted by our current data set.  So I’ve started working with our analyst to build some more useful data sets, more to explore what it might tell us than to change anything up front.  It’s time for me to understand the data better so I can help to drive improvements.

This morning was one of my late work mornings, and I took the kids to the bus stop for the first time.  There were 2 other parents there, and it was nice to meet my neighbors.  The kids are fun to get ready for school.  They forget things, and they are focused on having fun as soon as they wake up.  So they need some redirection, some personal grooming advice, and then they’re ready to go.

This evening was scouts.  We had 3 different places to be: a school open house for Libby and Jake that they were not invited to (parents only), Scouts for Christian and me, and Aria was supposed to be at Camp Liahona for iceblocking.  Camp Liahona has a literally killer hill for iceblocking.  I would expect injuries to be par for the course there.

In the end, Katrina skipped the open house, Aria had a blast iceblocking, and I had a good time with my boy scouts.  We planned an upcoming camping trip.  Should be a good time.

Then home and sleep – it was a non-stop great day.

Libby is on the steps, Jakers is next.  Christian has the black hoodie over his head.

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