Saturday, September 29, 2012

#115 - Hot water returns, and lashing! - September 26, 2012


The week has gotten better at work.  Several long-term machine problems are fixed, so I’m working through some new things.  Time really flies, and it’s very difficult to change focus on a longer-term improvement that needs to be done.  We see some of these things that need to be done, but sometimes they sit for 4 months while we’re keeping afloat.  Nothing particular to note on this, just that it happens. 

I couldn’t take a shower this morning – the cold water was on, but not the hot.  I had the cold water plumbing taken care of, but not the hot.  Not the most auspicious start to a day.  Then I got a call from Katrina about 10.  The leak had overflowed the bucket and we had water all over the floor.  She took care of it, and took the kids to Aria’s friend’s house for a birthday party.  They invited all the kids over to play.  

I left work about 4 and went home.  I finished the work on the plumbing and unloaded the washing machine. 
Then it was time for scouts.  Tonight we learned how to lash.  And I relearned the clove hitch.  It was a really good time, my first time leading these kids.  

This boy's first square lashing was a total success.
I was proud of him and the other boys in the troop, too.


Unknown said...

I read your blog and found the information about the Hot water returns, and lashing......
Thanks for sharing....
Hot water repair

Hot Water Repairs said...

Thanks for sharing information on Hot water returns and Lashing.
Keep sharing the good information!

Ezra said...

Thanks for sharing the blog!
Its good to read about Hot water returns and Lashing!

Hot Water Repairs said...

Nice Blog!
Thanks for sharing Information.