Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics... not know what religion is."

Last night I daydreamed a TV-movie speech that will never be delivered.  Here's the screenplay.  I've added links where appropriate.  My church is filled with wonderful people.  Most of them are conservatives, with a smattering of Libertarians and a handful of liberals out of the 300+ that come to meeting each week.  Sometimes it seems like there's just not an ideological space for us liberals there.

(A hundred people or so are gathered in the main hall of a church.  It doesn't have windows, but is well lit from the ceiling.  The people are seated in pews, lightly sprinkled throughout the room.  Teacher is standing in the front of the pews, facing the class.  There's a blackboard on wheels, and the word 'Idolatry' scrawled across it.  Katrina is seated about 2/3 back, house left.  Class member #2's hand is raised.)

Class member #1: You know, hearing the way that Democrats talk about Joe Biden, it's like they're worshipping him.  Like he's an idol.
(Katrina raises her hand)
Teacher: (pointing at Class member #2) Yes?
Class member #2: I was going to say the same thing.
(Teacher glances at Katrina)
Teacher: I'm going to cut off this discussion right here.
Katrina: (stands up) I'm sorry, but I need to say something.  (Looks around at other class members) Why do you come here?  Why are you here instead of some other church?  Or waterskiing?  Or working?  I come here to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of my own conscience.  I don't recall there being a requirement to be a Republican (one by one, people start to look at the floor) to be here.  I will gladly cast a vote for Obama and Biden this fall, and I'm a liberal, and I'm sick of sitting here in church and feeling like I'm the enemy.  I've heard liberals called enemies here, heard all sorts of wacky things said about Democrats, and I won't sit silently any more.  If we agree to a truce, and we can leave politics at the chapel door, that's fine.  But if politics intrudes on our worship and learning here, then I will speak.  I've just heard 2 people say that Democrats are treating Biden like an idol.  I have heard you speak of Sarah Palin like she's the best possible person to have in the White House, that she's perfect.  Are you blind to the hypocrisy?  You talk about Obama being for abortion.  He's not.  He thinks that's a decision between the woman, God, and whomever she counsels with.  Obama's position on abortion matches the church's more closely than Palin's does.  But you can't see it!  The Republican culture of life has killed a hundred thousand people in Iraq and 4000 Americans!  Can you not see that?  Do you realize that when we are asked to live the United Order again that we'll have universal healthcare?  And taxes will be close to 100%?  You see poor people getting poorer and rich people getting richer.  You see the economic disruption that's messing with all of us in one way or another.  There are too many abortions in America.  I love you guys.  I do.  We see the same problems, and seek the same ends.  (one by one, most heads come up and look at her)  It's just our means that differ.  But that doesn't mean that you are wrong or that I am wrong.  Can we be friends and sisters and brothers?  And leave enmity outside.  And work together for the common good.   God loves all of us the same.  Can we love each other that way, too?  (sits)
Teacher: Okay then.  I don't know what to say.  What do you all want to do?  Leave it at the door?  Or are you willing to have a 2-way discussion?
Class member #3: She's right.  Let's leave it at the door.  I'll do it.
Class member #1: Katrina, I'm sorry.  I'll leave it at the door, too.
Teacher: Any opposed? (no response) Done.  Thanks.

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