Monday, July 8, 2013

#184 - A happy coup is achieved - July 3, 2013

Cool thing from the last 24: the meetings with the executives mentioned yesterday went as well as possible.  Better than I've seen it done before.

After the long day the day before, I was on overdrive to push through yesterday.  We worked on our presentation material, showed our updated data that told a completely different story than the scuttlebutt did. We went through it in a premeeting with the execs, and they agreed.  We went through the material they wanted to show the team, they made the changes to it that we requested, and then we had a meeting with 50 people, and it went smoothly.  This was the rare case with 5 levels of management in a single room, all agreed on the good performance of the bottom level, with the praise flowing solidly in one direction.

This morning, I had a couple members of my team remark on how good that meeting was.  I was grateful.  It was worth the time and effort we had put into it.

I got home just after 7, said a little more than "hello" to the family, and then I had to sleep.  Another 5am day looms.

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