Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jan 18, 2014 - Reason #2 I love NY

I love the weather here.  The unpredictability drives a lot of people crazy, but I love it.  I've seen sheet lightning, been in a hurricane, driven through a white-out, slept in my cozy house during a -7 degree night, hiked through a 10-degree morning over an inch of fresh snow, sweated through a muggy hot summer, and this morning I took my little electric chainsaw to some fallen trees during heavy snow.  The snow flocked the trees heavily.  This is one of 3 evergreens on the property.

It's lovely.  The pounding rain, the sun that blinds you on so many bare-leafed winter mornings, the wind that makes the trees creak, snow sneaking down the back of your jacket collar.  It's majestic.  And it reminds me regularly of how inconsequential I am in the grand scheme of things.

Today was a relaxed day - did the wood cutting, stacked it on the porch, and then went for a walk while the snow coated my stocking cap.  The snow did that creaking thing it does when the flakes are large and it's in the high 20s.  Then lunch, and took the boys to get their hair cut, returned an item to the Amazon seller, and then a nap.  No Saturday is complete without a little Rock Band and video game football.  Took down the huge Christmas snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, and finally bought a decent watch.  I've been wearing a watch I bought at Wal-Mart for $11.84 nearly 2 years ago with a velcro wristband.

And then I registered Aria and me for the Warrior Dash in July.  I'm excited.  It's going to be super fun to climb obstacles, wade through muddy water, climb muddy hills and stuff with her.  I'm smiling just thinking about it.

Got a bunch of stuff to do tonight - Sunday School lesson to prepare, music to arrange for choir, need to make some more progress on my Japanese course materials.  I think I won't get it all done.

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