Friday, June 28, 2013

#181 - Weighing the trash - June 27, 2013

Cool thing from the last 24: we drove with my brother to pick up his old car from the dealership.  We means me, 3 kids, and him.  I just listened as he and the kids bantered.  He's so generous with them - with his time, his patience with taking teasing, and his kindness with giving teasing.  I'm jealous of my kids in this way: I wish I had had an uncle like that.

In other good news, my Boy Scouts are coming together.  We had a great time on our hike, and we had a contest for the heaviest garbage bag.  I brought the bags to our meeting tonight, and we weighed them.   We ended up with a unanimous decision on the heaviest bag.  And then the cool part - we raised, lowered, folded, and unfolded the US flag 3 times, so each boy would have a chance to participate.  These boys showed proper respect to the flag, and had fun at the same time.  It was great.
After the scout stuff, I dropped the boys off at home and Libby and I made a run out to the church camp to deliver fresh fruit to Katrina and the girls at camp.  By the time we got home (9:37), the boys were both in their rooms trying to sleep.  They had watched an episode of My Little Pony while we were out.  That's their new favorite show.

Yeah, me too.  I don't get it, either. 

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