Cool thing from the last 24: there is a diner in Hyde Park called ED. When you walk in the place, there's a 10-ft statue of a guy and a 4-ft coffee cup with ED written on it. The Eveready Diner has good ice cream. We got the Big Eddie with some minor modifications. It was great.

We had started the evening with a visit to the annual Cub Scout Blu and Gold Banquet. The menu was hot dogs, pasta salad, lemonade, and conversation. We're in this odd transition place with 1 boy in Boy Scouts and 1 boy who is not in Cubs yet. We went without kids, and did it because I had a boy turning 11, and there is a little "Crossing Over" ceremony when a boy leaves Cubs and joins the Boy Scouts. When that part was over, we took off on our date.

Then we went to Hyde Park, parked at the drive in and walked up the street to the Eveready Diner and got ice cream. I'd do that again - well worth it. Dinner and a movie doesn't always fit into our budget. But a $6 5-scoop banana split? Yep.
The double feature was World War Z and Man of Steel. World War Z was the first zombie movie I'd ever seen. I enjoyed it immensely. It was very tense, well-written, and surprisingly human. I had heard that people go to zombie flicks to see "silly gore" and that was never my style. Man of Steel was disappointing. For Superman origin stories, I prefer both Superman 1 and Superman Returns. The 3rd try was too much story crammed into 1 movie. And there is a lot more Superman story to tell than where he came from. Again. Come on!
We walked in the door at 2am and laid down for a long sleep. Until 4:30am, anyway...
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