Monday, October 20, 2008

Time for Music!


Okay.  Got that out of my system.  I started a men's singing group this week.  We met at my house last night for our first rehearsal.  It was small - just 4 of us.  But we got all 4 parts, and were able to sing a capella in 4 parts, which was pretty cool.
I've wanted to start a group like this for years, but the timing just wasn't right.  Either the kids were too little, or I was in school, or work was too busy.   But the timing is right now.  
We sang through a few songs, learned a new one, and had a good time.  A really good time.  We ran half an hour over our rehearsal time, but that was fine, it seemed.  We decided to work on What Child is This?, O Holy Night, and The Carol of the Russian Children for starters.  We'll reserve some time to try new things each week.  
It sounds like a blast to me.  We're not great with blend yet, we don't all agree on some points of diction, and we still miss a lot of notes.  But that's where you start, not where you end.  I'm so thankful to have the chance to make music - last night was a dream come true for me.  Good people, good music, and a group that is about the love of music more than it is about getting something ready for performance.  
Love it.  Can't get enough of it.  It's a good day to be me.

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