Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jan 4, 2014 - Reason #1 Why I Love New York

There are many reasons why I love New York.  The distance from my birth family and friends is tough, and I do miss biking and the proximity to real mountains.  But otherwise (and this is truly truly true) I love it here.  I'll catalog random reasons why over the next year.  These are obviously in random order as well.

Today's reason is sledding in my back yard.  We have a nice sledding hill, and today I made a good run down it.  Libby enjoyed it later.  It has a corner in it, which I reinforced with additional snow, and then I added a berm at the end.  My entire life, sledding has been something I get to do once or twice a year, and it's a whole day affair.  We've had 2 good sledding snows already this year, and this snow is still powdery soft.  It was lovely.  Libby and I both had a blast - about 30 minutes of sledding and running up hill is about all a person needs.  Then it's time to come inside and do something else.  Jake did some sledding, too, but he made his own track.

Lovely day.

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