In other news, our house is marginally quieter. We have had my parents and Katrina's parents in and out of the house for the past 3 weeks, and they are all gone for now. Katrina's parents flew home yesterday, and mine are in Tennessee for a week. They're coming back next Thursday, will stay for the weekend, and then drive home.
During that timeframe, Christian has received the Aaronic Priesthood and serves as a deacon in the ward. Jacob received baptism. Much Uno and Skip-Bo was played, tickling ensued, birthday cakes were eaten, movies watched, and fun had. Now it's back to the grindstone - school, homework, and activities galore.
For the next couple days, our family's plan looks like this: tonight, I'm going to see my first MLB game ever. The Yankees are playing the Mariners. Tomorrow night, Katrina is out on a girls night. Saturday I'm driving to the Manhattan Temple with Aria, Christian, and a bunch of other teenagers. Saturday night we're going to hit the Drive In. I don't know if we're going to take everyone to see Muppets Most Wanted and Captain America 2, or Katrina and I will go see Amazing Spiderman 2 and another one on a date.
More musings later. Now I must work.
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