Today I am thankful for some closure.
Sunday at church was a good time. My talk went all right, we talked with other members for an hour I think, and the kids just hung out until we were done. Good thing it wasn't raining. They just stood around the car waiting for us. They all had a good time, and the younger 4 all made friends. Aria is just the wrong age - she may be the only Beehive. Which means she may become the Beehive President.
Monday we went to someone's house for Easter dinner. It was excellent - super informal, relaxed, with food that everyone was happy with. Cheesy ham topping over rice, salad from a bag, rolls from Wal-Mart. Perfect. They have 4 kids, all of them about 4 years younger than ours. We left there about 8:30 and came home to sleep. Tuesday I had a normal workday and went back in to work after the kids were down. I got back to the hotel about 2am, exhausted but happy that I was done. We also got a phone call from the bishopric inviting Katrina and Aria to speak this week in church. They both accepted.
Wednesday I got an email that the buyer had signed the purchase papers for our Oregon house. Today I got an email from our loan officer that our loan was officially approved. They needed to see 4 other documents before funding the loan, but the loan was approved. We should see the equity from our house in the bank tonight. And the sale will be complete. A massive chapter in our lives closed.
Also today, my boss apologized to me. I've been working through performance reviews the last few weeks, and she and I disagreed on 1 person's review. We've gone back and forth on it, and today she was back from vacation and we talked about it. She apologized for not taking the time with me up front to cover them, and gave me complete license to give the review I thought was appropriate. So tomorrow morning I can put the review back to where I and the other folks I talked to thought it should be, and submit it for the 4th and last time. It feels good to have her confidence.
The kids went to mutual and scouts last night, and that was good, too. Things are coming together. We should have the signatures we need tomorrow so we can put the kids in school next week, which is our next big hurdle. And we should see contracts from the bank by Tuesday, so we can schedule the home inspection and the appraisal.
Here are another couple pictures from our trip to the park last Saturday.
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