Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mortality and Sugar

I had a physical 2 weeks ago. The blood work came back, predictably, with high cholesterol. I'd had the diagnosis before, but I had 2 infants, school, and work to deal with and I put it off. With Katrina's consent.

This time, I have no excuses. I am known in the office for having a desk drawer piled to the brim with snacks. I'm a little overweight by medical standards, but perfectly normal by American standards. Nonetheless, it was time to lose those extra 30 pounds.

Directions from the doctor: gain upper body muscle mass, change my diet to low-fat and low carb. Come back in 6 months for a retest. Goal: reduce/remove belly fat, reduce bad cholesterol to more reasonable level. Given that calories consumed - calories burned = weight lost/gained, I resolved to work on both sides of the equation.

1) add some weight routine to my bike commute. Slow start on this, but I've been off the weights for a few months
2) reduce snack consumption at work. No soda at work this week, haven't opened my Oreos, and cut my Hershey mini-bar and cashew/cranberry consumption in half
3) reduce high fat/high calorie portions in meals. I've substituted salads and fruit for larger portions of entrees.

Results: I am shocked, SHOCKED by the difference in my concentration level at work. I'm getting more done with higher quality. I used to grab some sugary thing to "get going", but now I realize that the constant sugar buzz made thinking simply impossible. I'm able to deal with a low-level hunger pang for longer. I don't know if I've lost weight this week. I'm going to give this particular lifestyle a few weeks to see if it makes any difference in my Dr's goals, and then I'll start to weigh in. I'll go more aggressive if I need to at that point.

So I guess the big shock is that sugar is bad. Lay off it, America! It only brings you down!

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